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  • Writer's pictureAdvik Atyam

Keylogging Scams

Image from AVG Antivirus

Keylogging, also known as keystroke logging, is a method of tracking and recording keystrokes made on a computer keyboard. Keyloggers can be either hardware-based or software-based and are often used for legitimate purposes such as monitoring employee activity or debugging software. However, they can also be used for malicious purposes such as stealing sensitive information like passwords or financial information.

How Keylogging Works

Hardware-based keyloggers are physical devices that are installed between the keyboard and the computer. They record all keystrokes made on the keyboard and store them on an internal memory chip. The attacker can then retrieve the keylogger and extract the recorded data.

Software-based keyloggers are programs that are installed on a computer or device. They can be installed through various methods, such as downloading a malicious attachment or software from a fake website. Once installed, the keylogger records all keystrokes and sends the data to the attacker's computer or a remote server.

Types of Keyloggers

There are different types of keyloggers that vary in their level of sophistication and how they operate. Some of these types include:

Hardware Keyloggers

Hardware keyloggers are physical devices that are attached between the keyboard and the computer. They are small and discreet, making them difficult to detect.

Software Keyloggers

Software keyloggers are programs that run on a computer or device. They can be disguised as legitimate software, making them difficult to detect.

Wireless Keyloggers

Wireless keyloggers use radio frequency (RF) technology to transmit the recorded keystrokes to a remote receiver. They are often used in environments where physical access to the target computer is not possible.

Acoustic Keyloggers

Acoustic keyloggers use the sound of the keystrokes to record the input. They can be placed near the keyboard or computer and use a microphone to pick up the sound of the keystrokes.

How to Protect Yourself from Keyloggers

Here are some tips to help protect yourself from keylogging attacks:

Use antivirus and anti-malware software

Antivirus and anti-malware software can help detect and remove keyloggers from your computer.

Keep your software up to date

Keeping your software up to date with the latest security patches can help protect you from known vulnerabilities that attackers may try to exploit.

Be careful when downloading software

Download software only from trusted sources, and avoid downloading software from unknown or unverified sources.

Use two-factor authentication

Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security to your accounts by requiring a second factor, such as a code sent to your phone, in addition to your password.

Use virtual keyboards

Virtual keyboards allow you to enter your sensitive information using the mouse instead of the keyboard, which can help prevent keylogging attacks.

In conclusion, keylogging is a serious threat that can result in the loss of sensitive information and financial loss. By being vigilant and following best practices for online security, you can protect yourself from keylogging attacks.

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