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Our Mission

As online scams continue to proliferate, ScamCops stands as a dedicated initiative aimed at preventing fraudulent activities. Our primary focus is safeguarding vulnerable populations, with particular emphasis on protecting the elderly.

The Issue

The global surge in scams has become increasingly concerning and perilous for individuals worldwide. According to the FTC, fraudulent activities have resulted in a staggering $8.8 billion being stolen, adversely affecting over 2.4 million people.

ScamCops assists individuals in avoiding scams occurring daily.


Learn the strategies to avoid and detect scams through our comprehensive ScamCops course.


After mastering scam avoidance techniques, complete our ScamCops test to attain the status of an Official ScamCop.


Contribute to your community by visiting banks, nursing homes, and libraries to share your knowledge about scams with vulnerable individuals.


For each event you participate in, you'll earn service hours towards graduation and membership in various honor societies.

Blog Posts

Blog posts offer in-depth knowledge towards specific scams. 

User Reviews

Tested with senior citizens all around the world.

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FTC, CFBP, FDIC, FBI, credit all information from blog posts and Scam Guide.

© 2023 Scam Cops. 


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